『☆処分☆ グンゼ 1/12 ホンダ CB92 フィルム未開封 箱凹み』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkumanoko41612から出品され、123の入札を集めて2025-01-25 12:57:27に、6030.00円で落札されました。即決価格は6030.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(kumanoko41612)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
★★最後に⇒当方、会社員であり趣味でオークションに参加しております。そしてご落札いただけます皆様方も同様にお忙しい毎日をお過ごしのことと思います。個人間のお取引でありますのでお互いの事情を理解し気持ちの良いお取引を願っております。★★It will be released as the collection is organized. It is an unused item. Since it is an old one please check the condition with the image. Please understand that it is old and deteriorates over time. Since it is a second-hand item delivered as it is by personal storage please strictly observe no claim and no return.☆ About the product status ⇒ We are exhibiting a lot of hobby related items such as plastic models and miniature cars. Parts check is omitted due to busy schedule but basically it is the same as when purchasing from a model store or a used store. We will try to check and describe if the main part is missing during assembly or apparently but please understand that it is not complete. We also carry a lot of rare old plastic models. There are also weaknesses unique to vintage plastic models such as pain in the outer box drop of the runner after peeling the tape stains and cracks on the decal threading and fading of the box peeling of glue etc. It is something that an individual collects as a hobby and keeps it at home. Please consider bidding after strictly observing no complaints and no returns including missing items and damage due to oversight.☆ About shipping ⇒ Basically only standard mail non-standard mail and yaf cats are supported. Due to circumstances shipping may be delayed by about 1w. About non-standard-size shipping We do not take any responsibility in case of loss of luggage.☆ About packing ⇒ Standard mail ⇒ Ship in envelope non-standard mail ⇒ Pack only envelope or bubble wrap Yafneko ⇒ Small size (1/24 car etc.) will be shipped by cardboard. Larger items (1/12 cars 1/6 bikes 1/350 ships etc.) will be shipped in double bubble wrap.☆ About selection of shipping method ⇒ There is no guarantee for tracking or loss of mail. Please be careful when choosing high-priced items.☆ About bundled shipping when multiple successful bids ⇒ Basically please bundle the successful bid item. Please contact us regarding the reservation of products.Please feel free to contact [email protected] for reservations and bulk purchases ... If you would like to keep your questions private we will reply to you individually if you give us your e-mail address.★★ Many other items have been exhibited. Please have a look ★★ この商品はヤフオク!出品管理ツール「AppTool(アップツール)」で出品されています。...
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