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Car parts and related products are generally shipped within one week but in rare cases it may take more than one week. Please refrain from purchasing if you are in a hurry or need the item immediately.Notes・Large items (packaging dimensions of 160 cm or more or weight of 30 kg or more) cannot be delivered to private residences so if the addressee is an individual's name please enter your name here at the time of delivery. We will write it at the top of the page and ship it to you.- Even in the case of multiple successful bids we do not bundle them together so we will deal with them individually.- We do not accept product bids or cancellations after a successful bid.- We do not accept sales of specific parts separately.- We cannot accept requests for specifying the carrier or shipping method.- If you have any questions please contact us from the question column before bidding.- Items that end on Saturdays Sundays and holidays will be shipped after the regular holiday.- No claims and no returns please.・Please note that we may not be able to provide the product depending on the timing as it is sold together with other sites.About shippingShipping costs will vary depending on the region so we will inform you separately.088...
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